Services We Provide


Pullet Growing and Service

We specialize in providing our layer customers with top quality pullets. We are committed to the proper handling, care, and attention to provide the best pullets possible. With over 30 years of experience we are equipped to fill your needs.


Layer Service and Management

The team at JWM is equipped with the knowledge to provide layer service and management in a variety of systems and housing. We are built to fit your needs including cage free, free range, cage, and alternative jump systems.

Broiler Service

Our team has years of experience in producing high quality birds for the most efficient cost. Many factors go into growing a consistent bird for processing, and our team is equipped to oversee that all goals are met.


JWM can vaccinate your pullets for you. We have state of the art sprayers and well trained, bio-secure crews to provide both spray vaccinations and vaccinations that require bird handling.